México - Day 2

"Sábado de Gloria"
Last night I went to bed some time after 3am, so I got up too late too... it was after 11am.
I was cold, I could still hear the rain coming down hard.
My Dad and Irene were up. Marco and Carlos didn't get up until 1pm, and that's because Irene had made lunch.
While my Dad was doing the dishes, I got in the shower... the water pressure is pretty low, but at least I didn't run out of hot water like I used to back in Mexico City when I was growing up.
In the early afternoon we went to the "Ferretería" (hardware store) looking for a seal of some sorts that my dad was looking for.
You should see this place, is a big as a garage, and you literally park on the lobby of the hardware store...
Next door to them is the meat market... They have tones of fresh cuts... every part of the animal is sold there... and I mean EVERY PART..!
Guess what..? it was raining..!
Once we came back, I cleaned my room... well, I used the broom...
It is very cold..!
AccuWeather says it's 42F, but the RealFeel is 25F and that I do believe..!
and it's supposed to rain till Sunday, and it should be in the 90'sF by Wednesday.
I was able to chat on line with Stuart, Marisa, Chanda and Amber, and I also plugged-in my webcam, I was taking pictures of the computer and the webcam as I was using my webcam talking with Chanda.
We watched some Futból, including the Chivas' game... by the way, there was a game here in Monterrey, but it was blacked-out here, just like NFL used to do in Oakland. They do that in order to get more people to go to the games.
Oh, we had Domino's Pizza for dinner tonight...
Yeap... Pizza..!
After we went to the meat market earlier in the day. but my half brothers were crabbing Pepperoni Pizza and Canadian-Bacon Pizza.
After the Chivas' game, I was watching "Evolution" as I up loaded new pictures to my Flickr page (http://www.flickr.com/photos/victorbmjr/) and now I am watching "Space Jams" - both movies that I've seen before, but not in Spanish...
I still don't know what we have planned for tomorrow...
I know we will watch the América game... and it's Easter Sunday...
I should mention again how freaking cold is here..!
And it is still raining..!
What else..?
I did receive an email from friend of mine from Portland, his name is Randy Bartlett... we didn't get a chance to get together before I left because his Dad died last week.
Oh and I also received an email from someone that wants to have the rights to my Paulina Rubio picture I have on my Flickr. This person is writing an article about her on Wikipedia, nice huh..?
I'll be uploading some more pictures... but before I do that, I'm going to go read a little...
Stuart, first time I'll read since I've gotten here..!
Anyway, I should try to go to bed pretty soon...
Coming up Next... Easter Sunday..! (AKA - Day 3)
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